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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The advice of the experts on diet for chronic hepatitis C: the first part

Healthy diet aginst hepatitis
Discover the importance of consumption of whey protein and artichoke, and how these and other four key food can help your liver to resist damage from infection by hepatitis C. This is the first part of this valuable two parts article. Although a lot of people are confident that the importance of food is in creating and correction of health problems, a significant percentage of physicians are not using guidelines on nutrition in order to contribute to the healing of patients. It is a shame, especially when the patient is chronically ill, such as with hepatitis C. Despite of the involvement of physicians or stage of liver disease, foods that people with hepatitis C consume can do that their body feels better or worse. Our quick culture has developed a high level of comfort where you prefer to take drugs instead of food; therefore food as medicine is largely ignored. Approximately in 400 BC, Hypocrites, the father of medicine said: "Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine thy food." In the eighteenth century, one of the biggest gastronome in the world, Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin said: "Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are. Even today popular, Brillat-Savarin," Physiology of Taste "is a discussion on the linkages between human pleasure and survival, with the possibility of knowledge and experience of joy of taste.

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