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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Six ideal foods for the liver: 6 Hepatitis blog

Food against hepatitis
Choose foods rich in selenium - because hepatitis C coded protein selenium, the virus spends selenium cells. Because of this, people with hepatitis C need more selenium than healthy people. Researchers hypothesize that when cells exhausted selenium, hepatitis C virus is spread from cell to cell searching for further cells. Therefore, supply your cells with selenium as much as possible with food rich in selenium: Brazilian nut, broccoli, onions, leeks and garlic.

Using food as a guide is not a new concept. Although there has been an increase of awareness that unhealthy food can damage the body, the majority of our society that is turning to medicine has forgotten therapeutic potential of food. Fortunately you do not need to be authorized nutritionist to know what to choose when shopping. By including whey protein, mung beans, shitake mushrooms, artichoke, greens dandelion and food rich in selenium in your diet nutrition, you can help your body feels good despite hepatitis C infection.

Six ideal foods for the liver: 5 Hepatitis blog

Food against hepatitis

Chew the green of dandelion - by stimulating the flow of bile, dandelion helps the liver and gallbladder to decompose the fat by stopping the gallstone and assist detoxification. In addition, the green of dandelion has a slightly diuretic effect that helps to reduce ascitis, common consequences of liver cirrhosis.

Six ideal foods for the liver: 4 Hepatitis blog

food against hepatitis

Love artichokes – member of the milky thistle family (Silybum marianum) that helps control the level of sugar in the blood, artichoke is also known to maintain liver healthy. This stringy, green plant contains cinarine which improves the flow of bile from the liver in the gallbladder. That is very important because if the bile is inadequately transferred to the gallbladder, the liver has an increased risk of damage.

Six ideal foods for the liver: 3 Hepatitis blog

food against hepatitis

Eat shitake - shitake mushrooms contain lentinane, a beta glucane with a strong effect on hepatitis and other diseases including cancer. According to Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, lentinane is used in treating cancer, high cholesterol, strengthening of the immune system and treating infections. This mushroom specialty also increases the number of white blood cells and increases the auxiliary T-cells.

Six ideal foods for the liver: 2 Hepatitis blog

food against hepatitis

Cook mung bean - used by practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine in the detoxification of toxins from the body. Mung bean contains natural inhibitors of proteases. With a high content of vitamins B and C, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, copper, fiber and proteins, mung bean has the ability to help liver damaged by hepatitis C to remove toxins and is therefore a valuable of the investment in effort in its preparation.

Six ideal foods for the liver: 1 Hepatitis blog

food against hepatitis
In the positions of continuous consultation in order to avoid foods that damage the liver, many people with chronic hepatitis C ask what you should eat. For clear understanding of six ideal foods for the liver, the following advice was given.

Drink whey protein - add whey protein when you make fruit juice because it contains lactoferine and builds glutathione levels. Glutathione is a major antioxidant that is found within the liver cells and lactoferine stimulates the immune system and has direct antiviral property that prevents the hepatitis C virus attacking liver cells.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The advice of the experts on diet for chronic hepatitis C: the first part

Healthy diet aginst hepatitis
Discover the importance of consumption of whey protein and artichoke, and how these and other four key food can help your liver to resist damage from infection by hepatitis C. This is the first part of this valuable two parts article. Although a lot of people are confident that the importance of food is in creating and correction of health problems, a significant percentage of physicians are not using guidelines on nutrition in order to contribute to the healing of patients. It is a shame, especially when the patient is chronically ill, such as with hepatitis C. Despite of the involvement of physicians or stage of liver disease, foods that people with hepatitis C consume can do that their body feels better or worse. Our quick culture has developed a high level of comfort where you prefer to take drugs instead of food; therefore food as medicine is largely ignored. Approximately in 400 BC, Hypocrites, the father of medicine said: "Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine thy food." In the eighteenth century, one of the biggest gastronome in the world, Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin said: "Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are. Even today popular, Brillat-Savarin," Physiology of Taste "is a discussion on the linkages between human pleasure and survival, with the possibility of knowledge and experience of joy of taste.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Every 12 resident of earth has chronic hepatitis

no to hepatitis
Every day three new people suffering from some forms of hepatitis are detected. Currently in the world, the number of sick goes up to half a billion people. Disease has no symptoms and many can carry the disease for more than a decade.
It is Worlds day of awareness of viral hepatitis, and in many countries will be committed this week to adopting an action plan for prevention and treatment of these diseases. 'Am I number 12?
Recently when I was tested I was not number 12, but you never know, 'said Vince Adrijana, head of the Center for diagnosis and treatment of viral hepatitis. World campaign 'Am I number 12? was launched last year, and will last until 2012. It is based on the fact that the data the World Health Organization says that every 12 resident of planet Earth has a chronic hepatitis B or C.

Hepatitis B is usually transmitted through sex. In 80 percent of the cases, the main way of getting hepatitis C is by the drug addicts infected with a virus. Along with addicts there is another risk group. They are war veterans, or about all the people that were in the war-affected areas because only since the April of 1993.- testing the blood on hepatitis C started. A person can be infected for years, without knowing it, and therefore may unknowingly spread the infection. The symptoms are almost invisible. The most common is chronic fatigue.